Secure My Vote
A secure election requires a transparent system that is accountable and verifiable by the people it serves. Voting needs to be in person with reasonable exceptions. Photo ID to register or vote, and careful management of voter rolls that are publicly available promotes confidence. In addition, the better system would require a minimal transport and storage of voted ballots and a precise chain of custody. The counting of paper ballots should be observed with results made public on election night. Ballot info should not be electronic, so it’s not vulnerable to internet hacking. Sadly, Utah’s election system has none of these elements! Respectfully demand that secure elections be returned to Utah’s voters.
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
There has been a well-funded organized push from deep pockets to implement Ranked Choice Voting in Utah. Who benefits from changing our system of voting? Wendy Hart and Cristy Bulkley from Utah Election Integrity join Lew Moore for an explanation of what Ranked Choice Voting is and reasons to not further compromise our voting systems.